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Maintain A Healthy Lawn With The Right Soil Nutrient Level

Ensuring your lawn receive the right amount of nutrients very important. However, many lawn owners neglect about this aspect of lawn care and only take action when their lawn grasses and plants start to wither.

You can determine if your lawn is having the right nutrients by doing a pH test on your soil. It is advisable to get a soil test lab to do the testing, as the result is much more accurate and reliable. However, if cost is a concern, you can also do it yourself by purchasing a D-I-Y soil test kit from the nursery.

If the test result showed that the nutrient levels are below what they should be, then you should fertilize your grasses. Be careful not to over fertilize your lawn as excessive fertilizing can cause your lawn to be burnt. Adding compost can help increase the nutrient level but the release of nutrients is rather slow 아르기닌.

You can also use inorganic fertilizers to increase the nutrients level. These commercial fertilizers are usually made up of three main nutrients needed for healthy lawn growth. They are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Each has its own purpose.

Nitrogen is responsible for giving your grass a deep green color as well as promoting grass growth. Phosphorous is required for healthy root growth and potassium for stress resistance. Of the three nutrients, nitrogen counts the most. However, excessive nitrogen can burn your lawn and cause pollution. Thus you must ensure your fertilizer mix has a balance of all three nutrients.

When purchasing fertilizers, look for the nutrient mix numbers on the packaging. The numbers are usually in the form of N-P-K (N for nitrogen, P for phosphorous and K for potassium). You will need to water your lawn after applying these inorganic fertilizers or you risk getting your lawn burnt.

You should already know the area of your lawn. If not, spend some time to measure and calculate your lawn before you start applying any fertilizer. In fact, many aspect of lawn care require this information and it make sense to get as exact as possible in your lawn area calculation. You will find the ratio of nutrients to land area listed on the bag of fertilizers you purchase.

The rate and timing of fertilization also affect the health of your lawn. Some soils require only fertilization in the fall while other may need four to six applications per year. In general, the best time to fertilize is in the fall as the lawn can store the nutrients for use in the winter periods.

You should keep a lawn care journal and record the time of fertilizing, the type and amount of fertilizer used as well as the result you have. This will help you fine-tune your lawn care effort and be as efficient as possible.